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Golden Age Unleashed: ETs, Peace, Love, and Unity for Humanity

Extraterrestrial beings are actively working to challenge ingrained assumptions and push the boundaries of what humans perceive as reality.

By introducing concepts and ideas that seem fantastical or unimaginable to the average person, these beings from the stars are forcing an expansion of consciousness and examination of rigid belief systems.

The Pleiadians, for example, speak of multidimensional existence and the ability to shift between parallel realities and timelines. For many, the notion of alternate dimensions interacting with our concrete world is mind-bending. Yet the Pleiadians encourage questioning fundamental assumptions about the nature of reality.

Similarly, the Arcturians emphasize the existence of diverse extraterrestrial civilizations and suggest that humanity is but one small part of a vast, populated universe. To some, the belief that we are alone in the cosmos is deeply embedded. The Arcturians compel us to radically reevaluate this anthropocentric worldview.

By presenting perspectives counter to prevailing modes of thought, extraterrestrials jolt us out of complacency, shining light on untapped potential. Their boundary-pushing ideas stretch the limits of imagination, opening doorways to higher states of being. This catalytic effect serves to elevate global consciousness, propelling humanity into greater alignment with cosmic truth.

We may resist notions that diverge from consensus views. However, the extraterrestrials are relentless in their efforts to reveal blind spots, spurring the collective forward in its understanding. Through their startling messages, humanity inches toward enlightenment!

The Lyrans are one of the oldest galactic races in our galaxy and have played a significant role in Earth's ascension journey. Hailing from the constellation Lyra, they are humanoid in appearance, often described as Nordic-looking with blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.

The Lyrans once had an advanced planetary civilization based on peace, love, and an open exchange of ideas. Their society valued freedom, creativity, and spiritual connectedness. However, their home planets were eventually destroyed in a series of intergalactic wars millions of years ago.

As Earth's veil lifts and humanity's consciousness expands, the Lyrans are helping activate mankind's junk DNA to accelerate spiritual evolution. Through lightwork, channeling, and direct interactions, they transmit high-vibrational energies and spiritual wisdom to awaken latent abilities and intuition in humans.

The Lyrans possess profound knowledge of humanity's origins, galactic history, multidimensional existence, and the inner workings of the universe.

Specific contributions from the Lyran starseeds on Earth include:

• Seeding new genetic codes to improve health, longevity, and psychic abilities.

• Encrypting sacred geometry and spiritual truths in crop circles.

• Supporting the enlightenment of humankind through philosophy, mysticism, and esoteric schools of thought.

• Protecting sacred sites and knowledge so humanity may one day rediscover its forgotten past.

• Inspiring humanity's desire for freedom, creativity, spirituality, and connection to the broader universe.

Lyran's spiritual presence continues to have a profound impact on humanity's collective journey toward enlightenment and cosmic remembrance.

Also, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, and others expose mankind to new realms of possibility. They challenge rigid thought patterns and make us question conditioned beliefs adopted over generations. This forces humanity to reconsider long-held assumptions about the nature of reality and existence.

By stretching our understanding of what is achievable, contact with these beings acts as a catalyst for incredible breakthroughs in philosophy, spirituality, science, and technology. They prompt us to let go of limiting paradigms and embrace our immense potential.

Interaction with evolved beings who have transcended primitive concepts of separation, fear, and limitation allows humanity a glimpse into where we are headed as a species. It gives us a taste of the enlightened civilizations we will soon become!

This galvanizes the collective psyche into action. Collectively, we yearn for this expanded state of being promised by contact with our cosmic neighbors. It motivates us to rapidly quicken the pace of our development!


Throughout human history, extraterrestrial beings from the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Lyra, and Orion star systems have worked to assist humanity in our collective ascension journey. Their involvement on Earth has challenged perceived realities and pushed boundaries, helping to elevate global consciousness and propel our world into a heightened state of awareness.

While their methods may seem unconventional at times, these extraterrestrial visitors share a common goal of guiding us into the next phase of our spiritual evolution. Their continued presence ushers in a new golden age for humankind, built upon principles of peace, love, and unity consciousness.

By elevating global consciousness and coming together in our shared vision for a better world, we ensure that this great ascension experiment succeeds.

While contact with these cosmic visitors can be awe-inspiring, we must remember that we, too, are powerful co-creators with infinite potential waiting to be unlocked. Our evolution is ultimately in our own hands as we walk this path together!

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


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I AM god, Ascension Guide by Aurora Ray

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SPECIAL OFFER RAWVOLUTIONIST ASCENSION RECIPES: To ASCEND, raise your frequency to match Mother Gaia's. You are what you eat. By eating high-vibrational foods your body's frequency will inevitably change, right? But foods that support ascension best are rather bland and boring. And if you want something special it quickly turns into a major project with fancy ingredients that you've got to gather from all over town. Let alone the preparation process and mess. Ascension shouldn't be suffering in taste or working hard for a meal that you eat in just 15 mins. So, I ate salads for one year, got way too thin, and would have done anything for some delicious food. As an ascension teacher and holistic coach I knew about the importance of diet but I had to learn HOW to make this diet FUN & EffortLess (two of my favorite words ;) ) I am very excited to make my NEW book available to you. Upgrade your health, beauty, & ascension vibes with Rawvolutionist! Do you want to make beautiful food that won't take longer than 10 mins? Do you want to eat the healthiest high-vibe food that tastes fantastic? Do you want to be able to get all the ingredients in your grocery store? Do you like to try the most powerful food that connects you to Mother Earth and facilitates a quantum healing process in ways that are beyond your current imagination? Don't you want all that? YES! I know, it sounds amazing AND IT IS!!! Ascension is now, 5D is here, tune in!

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'I AM god, Ascension Guide' by Aurora Ray:

A friend of mine shared with me the link to this book back in Feb.. I had been Stuggling to find my Purpose.. Why am I here.. I had started to Question everything I had ever been told.. Nothing, I Mean NOTHING MADE SENSE ANYMORE…. My friend had be filling me FULL of info that Got my curiosity Jumping.. He seen the book being advertised on an Enlightenment sight on fb..I jumped on it. Bought it that very night.. Started reading the word and SO MUCH CAME TO LIGHT FOR MY HIGH SELF!! WITH IN THE FIRST CHAPTER I WAS HOOKED AND NEW… THIS WAS MY FIRST TEACHER TO MY HIGH SELF AND MY ENLIGHTENED SOUL.. I Have since Shared my Copy with a few others and my Advice is… A Closed mind is a WONDERFUL THIS TO WASTE.. Open ur Soul & Mind.. We are ALL GODS/GODDESS’ !! WE ARE MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN WE WERE EVER LEAD TO BELIEVE.. THE POWER IS WITH IN YOU.. BELIEVE IT, LIVE IT AND BE IT..Take Only what u need from this and leave the Rest.. UR HIGH SELF IS WAITING FOR YOU TO WAKE UP!! THE TIME IS NOW HUMANS.. LOVE, LIGHT AND BLESSED BE 1 AND ALL. NAMASTÈ BEAUTIFUL SOULS♡☆♡☆  Betty Grissom

Just finished reading your book. The delivery and organization was amazing. You do a great job simplifying ideas and explaining them with ease. Very insync the sacred souls are truly beginning to connect. Tyler Mcenroe

Read your brilliant book twice in two days and have made myself a personal action plan. Thank you dear sister of light! Debra S. M.

Aurora Ray…thank you for being so open and honest sharing your story. Ours is very similar. All I can say is look at you NOW. You are an amazing beautiful soul! Thank you for all you have done to bring us all together. Thank you for the most wonderful book..I Am God, which I love very much! You show us so much love, how to have forgiveness and so much more everyday. I am so proud of you! I am honored to be part of this amazing family you have created! Much love to you my sister, Tamara Hale-Sheffler 

I didn’t finish the book last night, Too tired and eyes blurring, But I’ve finished it now and will read it again and again. Thank you . It is amazing. and without ego I can say that most of its content was known already in my heart and awakened as I read. This was an awesome discovery. There is nothing you’ve said that I can find fault with. Thank you again. I feel my thoughts have been confirmed and my belief strengthened. I feel I’m on my way and have been for some time. Thank you so much you are awesome.  Michael Scannel

I am really enjoying the I am God book. I have all the signs. I am working on the merkabah now. I am pretty well in all of the them. It gave me insight about all that was going on in and about me. Kept on asking “is this normal?” I am glad that I ordered the book. Zaia F.

Thank you, dear Aurora and for ‘ I am God ‘. It is such a blessing. The book helped heal lots of my confusions and answer all my questions. It’s very hurtful when you’re an ET here and not know why you feel this way and have these experiences. I fell on a post about it last week, bought it and since then, my energies are better. With lots and lots of love and thanks . Priya G.

I am so happy I am crying. Everything starts to make sence. No wonder I never had any idea what to do in life and never “fitted” in 🙂 Thank you so much for this. I am unbelievable grateful. Ragna

I listened to your song just recently after a close friend passed it on. Following the music I’ve had an amazing uplifting experience. I started reading your book also. As soon as it was sent to me I knew I’d manifested the words into my life. It was like it was written for me and by me. It made me start remembering. It made me start seeing more. It’s made start to feel more. I’ve not even finished it yet but I’m taking my time and allowing the words to grow me spiritually. I’ve just started to learn more about the feminine energy and have seen my beautiful wife more now as my goddess. Thank you for your beautiful work. Namaste. Peter

Hi Aurora. I’ve almost finished my third reading of I AM GOD. In the evening of my life, dawn has come.

Thank you so much for this lost treasure. Blessings. Michael

MEET GODESS TA RA MY ANGELIC NAME WHICH I JUST HAVE BEEN GIVEN BY MY HIGHER ANGELIC SELF IN MEDITATION (further Infos see Chapter 15, 7ths Step of Ascencion) of I AM GOD. with special thanks. Susanne

This is just an incredible, accessible and comprehensive guide to ascension. While I am still in the dietary phase( working on transitioning from vegetarian to vegan), I can see that this resonates with infinite love to the very core of of me and it has helped me tremendously. Every aspect of my life has changed for the better since I began reading it. It is inspiring me to “create” some of the best music I have ever composed. I I put create in quotation marks simply because I realize that I am not really writing it, I am merely a vessel through which the infinite may speak. Bless you for bestowing this gift upon humanity. A lifetime of studying various metaphysical texts has not helped me as much as this book has. Namaste Aurora Ray. I will see you soon in 5D. Jacob Indigo Blue

Hello Aurora, I bought your book I Am God in 2013 when I was traveling in Peru and just wanted to say how brilliant it is. Thank you. I'm loving your posts and just subscribed to them on Telegram. Keep up the good work. x Debra Sofia Magdalene

i so loved your book.I AM GOD..just what a needed to read.. must read again and take notes this time.. Thank you xx Wayne Thompson


When she was 11 (1989), she was told that the internet would be invented to connect the earth-incarnated Star People who were strategically placed all over the planet to begin their mission.

As an elder of the Lyran High Council and High Priestess of Atlantis, she had been in training for her entire human life to step in as a teacher, healer, and master guide when the time of the great awakening and global ascension for humanity was to come.

This time is upon us now. The Star People are here now. Welcome to the Age of light!

Aurora Ray is the author of "I AM god -Ascension Guide" and her latest print publication, "Rawvolutionist -Ascension Recipes."

She is a Holistic Health Expert, Master Chef, Quantum Healing Coach, QHHT Practitioner, 9D Breathmaster, a teacher of Applied Yogic Science and Technology, Founder of the Ascension Secrets Academy, and Ambassador of The Galactic Federation.

Aurora's first contact with the Galactic Federation occurred when she was just a few years old. For many years throughout her entire childhood, she was taken on ships regularly in order to get specific healing therapies, knowledge, and upgrades on a quantum level.

© Copyright 2023 The Galactic Federation |
Aurora Ray. All Rights Reserved.