How To Connect With The Galactic Federation

Many people believe that the Galactic Federation is a made up thing, some are so confused to even claim it's negative, but it is not. 

The Galactic Federation is a group of highly evolved souls who have been around since the beginning of time. They are here to help you fulfill your purpose on earth.

The Galactic Federation is made of love, light, and peace. It is a collective of beings who have reached the highest level of consciousness possible.

The Galactic Federation was created as an extension of each individual's soul to help them on their journey towards self-realization. They exist to help us live in harmony with one another, as well as with our environment and the rest of creation.

There are so many people who have awakened to their true spiritual potential and desire to live in harmony with others instead of fighting over power and control issues, which have led to wars throughout history but now, with more advanced technology than ever before, we can overcome these issues once and for all.

The Galactic Federation has many tools at its disposal to help us in our lives so we can get rid of our problems easily. They have given us certain crystals which can help us do this exercise and make it even more effective, and they have given us healing technologies such as the Ascension Supplement which is basically liquid light in a bottle that we simply drink up and let it do its miracle in form of healing, DNA upgrades and repair.

They also have different technologies which they use on a daily basis in order to help us get rid of our problems easily by sending energy waves or just by being present in our lives constantly with love and compassion for us as well!

Connecting with the Galactic Federation is a simple phenomenon. It's like when you are in meditation or when you are in an inner quiet space, and you start connecting with who you really are. This is what it feels like to connect with the Galactic Federation: it's so peaceful and amazing!

When you connect with them, you can feel loved and light, as well as unconditional affection. You get to know yourself in a way that you never knew before. You become more aware of what actually matters to you in life because now all your focus has shifted towards serving others rather than yourself.

The universe has been waiting for this moment from you for a long time! We have been created by God on purpose so that we can lead others towards Him or Herself through doing good deeds and spreading love everywhere we go.

Connecting with the Galactic Federation is similar to connecting with one's own center. 

Just be a witness to the silence, of the peace, of the deep contentment, of the immense sky that opens up from your center.

This is the time to ask yourself: what do I want? Who am I? Where am I going? How am I going to get there? What am I going to do differently?

The answers will come as if they were answering themselves; they are already within you; they are already present in every cell of your body and mind. They are also present in every other living creature on this planet or elsewhere in the universe; they are everywhere! You don't need to hit your head against a brick wall in order to find them; all you need is to listen carefully and patiently.

What is the center or core of your awareness? It's that which has always been aware of itself, which is the essence of your being. It's a window to the essence and beyond.

It's where the light comes in, and it's where you go out again when you leave. It's where all life begins and ends because it's the seed of everything that exists in this universe.

It's not outside of yourself; it's within you. You are the center of your own consciousness, and as such, you are capable of perceiving your entire existence at any given moment in time—past, present, or future—through this center.

The universe is a big place, and it's a safe bet that there are other forms of life out there as well. The only thing we have to do is be open to the possibility that they exist. Once you embrace that possibility, all sorts of discoveries await you.

If you want to connect with the Galactic Federation, you have to learn how to live in harmony with your essence. Your essence is the heart of all that is, and it's what connects you to Source, your higher self, and the Galactic Federation.

The connection between the Galactic Federation and us is how we keep ourselves aligned with our true nature. It's how we stay connected to our soul purpose and purpose as a whole. It's how we stay in alignment with who we truly are at our core! 

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

What You Seek Is Seeking You...

If so, keep reading. This mala was designed for you. It contains within it the duality of the Feminine and Masculine polarity...



Priestess Mala

The true High Priestess is a spiritual warrior, especially in the patriarchal 3D world that encourages women to be submissive. But She is an embodiment of the Feminine and also a proud bearer of spiritual wisdom. She is not afraid to display that in full color, no matter what others around her may think.

Regardless of your gender, this mala encourages transformation and transmutation on all levels, a massive spiritual upgrade, clarity and a fluid communication with your Higher Self. It eases your connection with the spiritual realms and helps you channel guidance

We used only the finest and most genuine quality of semi-precious grade AAA Quartz, Hematite, and Amethyst gemstones in combination with 925 sterling silver elements in our Priestess Mala. This Mala consist of 108 beads (8mm) that are beaded on elastic stretch cord to be worn as a Mala, double folded necklace and as a gorgeously stacked bracelet.

The Priestess mala features a silver coin exclusively designed for our Mala collection. The sterling silver coin has a diameter of 2.5cm/1" and is hand-engraved with a powerful quote by Rumi
"What you seek is seeking you".

All Malas come in an elegant gift box!

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"I love everything you sell, but this one in particular made me stand in awe the more I learned about it and the more I was able to connect the dots. I am sure it will change the lives of many, many people. I would not say any of this if I didn't mean it." Virginia C.

"I  was looking for a special mala for a long time and this one looks super stylish and it's powerful,  I can tell. I'm looking forward to see what magic it can do" Frank H.

"When I saw it I knew I wanted it but now that I have it I know why. Such a beautiful Mala also! Thank you :)" Shannon T.

"This is my third mala from you.  I have the goddess and the starseed and love them. I can't wait to experience this one!" Carol A.

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"My husband and I got our beads in the mail today and I must say they are exceptionally beautiful. The stones are breath taking and I love the silver charms, thank you!"  Diane and Harry M.


Aurora's first contact by the Galactic Federation happened when she was just six years old and for many years she was taken on ships regularly in order to get specific healing therapies and upgrades on a quantum level. 

When she was 11 (1989) she was told that the internet would be invented to connect the earth-incarnated star people who were strategically placed all over the planet to begin their mission.

She had been in training for her entire human life to step in as a teacher, healer, and master guide when the time of the great awakening and global ascension for humanity was to come.

Aurora Ray is the author of "I AM god -Ascension Guide", "Longevity Secrets", "How To Lose 40 LBS in 40 Days", and her latest print publication "Rawvolutionist". 

She is a Holistic Health & Business Expert, a Master Chef, Founder of the Rawvolutionist Academy and The Ascension Portal, Ambassador of The Galactic Federation, and a former TV-Host.

Aurora was raised by her Persian parents in Frankfurt, Germany. She lived a few years in Tehran then moved to Los Angeles where she studied food and nutrition. Today Aurora lives on the island of Ibiza and travels regularly through Europe to teach and coach conscious living.

© Copyright 2022 The Galactic Federation |
Aurora Ray. All Rights Reserved.